After WWII, in 1946, the late Nick Savko and his wife, Gilda, founded Nickolas Savko & Sons, Inc. with a wheel barrow, hard work and determination. Nick’s first jobs were small concrete jobs in his local area, Columbus, Ohio. He quickly transitioned from concrete foundations to excavation of basements. Shortly thereafter, he began installing sewer lines for subdivision developments throughout central Ohio. In the mid 1970s, Stephen and Martin Savko joined their father in the field and began expanding the company even further. Over the next three decades, the company became one of the leading contractors in the central Ohio area.

In 2001, Savko placed their first roller compacted concrete (RCC) roadway. RCC allowed Savko to enter a new realm of business, while expanding their ever-growing customer base. We have placed RCC pavement throughout the eastern United States. We have manufactured and placed well over 3 million cubic yards of RCC. Today, Savko is revered as the foremost expert in RCC pavement in the United States.

Today, Savko is proudly led by the second and third generation family members, having grown the company to over 350 employees and a fleet of more than 600 machines and vehicles. Savko & Sons, Inc. has all of the resources required to maintain their reputation as one of central Ohio’s leading contractors.

We’ve continued to grow our company and solidify our reputation by combining seasoned and skilled associates together with experienced leadership and project managers with a lifetime of experience in this industry. These valued associates, combined with our cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art machinery, allow Savko & Sons, Inc. to handle any size project, meet schedule deadlines and conform to budgetary guidelines to ensure our customers’ success.